The International Federation of Health Records (IFHRO) supports national associations and health record professionals to implement and improve health records and the systems, which support them. IFHRO was established in 1968 as a forum to bring together national organizations committed to improvement in the use of health records in their countries. The founding organizations recognized the need for an international organization to serve as a forum for the exchange of information relating to health records and information technology.
The purposes of IFHRO are to:
* promote the development and use of health records/information management in all countries
* advance the development and use of international health records/information management standards
* provide for the exchange of information on health record s/information management education requirements and training programs
* provide opportunities for education and communication between persons working in the field of health records/information management in all countries
* promote the use of technology and the electronic health record
IFHRO is a non-profit organization affiliated with the World Health Organization (WHO) as a non-governmental organization (NGO). The Federation sends representatives to WHO meetings and works closely with WHO on specific projects of particular concern or interest to WHO in the field of health records and information systems.
IFHRO also has a partnership with the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA), which provides opportunities for interested professionals to share information through newsletters and to participation in meetings dedicated to healthcare informatics. The partnership also provides an opportunity for IFHRO and IMIA to work together to promote health informatics and health records throughout the world.
IFHRO activities include:
* International Health Records Congress: Every three years the Congress is hosted by one of the national member organizations. This is an opportunity to bring together member countries, other interested countries and individuals in an international forum to participate in educational sessions and networking opportunities.
* Newsletter: The International Health Records Newsletter, “The Link” is published at least annually on the website and provides information about health records activities in member countries as well as interesting and informative articles on the latest health information standards and technology.
* Educational programs: Educational programs and consultations may be provided to countries as and when required. Health records educational tools are also available for the training of health records professionals in the diverse area of health information management.
* International Committees, Task Groups and Projects: Members have the opportunity to serve on international committees, task groups or projects, which focus on health information management and health records.
IFHRO Leadership:
The leadership of IFHRO is comprised of the Executive Committee, which is made up of elected officials, the President, the President-Elect, and six Regional Directors representing the Europe, Americas, South East Asia, Western Pacific, Eastern Mediterranean, and Africa.
The Executive Committee reports to the General Assembly, which is made up of representatives from the National member associations. The General Assembly meets every three years at the time of the international Congress.
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